The world largest equine sculptures
Have you visited the Helix, the home of the Kelpies in Falkirk, Scotland?
My colleagues had recommended this place for sightseeing. Therefore, I looked up Kelpies online. It seemed interesting with a few kid activities. So, I decided to visit the place on a chilling Sunday afternoon in December.
I was immediately awestruck by the gigantic horse sculpture. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have visited beautiful Eiffel tower in France but Kelpies are beautiful in their own unique way. Both horse sculptures are 30 meters tall and weigh 300 tons each.
Even after returning home, my interest in Kelpies sustained. Upon googling, I found out Kelpies was a mythological creature in the Scottish folklore. Parents used Kelpies to scare kids to stay away from water and prevent them from drowning.
But there is one another angle about Kelpies. The designer of the sculpture wanted to celebrate the role of horses before the dawn of industrial age. People used horses to draw their boats on the canal. The horses would of course walk on the pavement next to the canal. One end of ropes was tied to the horse and other end to boat in the canal.